The Shock

NOTE: This post was written on April 13th, 2011. Our little one is now 18 1/2 weeks along :)

It was a slow rising morning for me. I didn’t have to get up for work, but I was awake anyway. I lingered in bed, until my husband came back upstairs from his morning ritual (he feeds the dog and cat in the am, I’m on night duty). While he started getting ready for work, I decided I was going to take a pregnancy test. There was no real reason for it, I hadn’t missed AF yet, we’d only been trying for a little while, but I just had an urge to take one.

The next 5 minutes would change our lives. I went into the hall bathroom since Brian was in the master and took the test. I stared at it waiting for what felt like forever. I had already decided it would be negative, so when it stopped flashing and said in clear print “PREGNANT” I had to do a double take. WHAT?!?! I ran out of the bathroom and back into our master where Brian was in the middle of showering. I threw open the door and shoved the test at him “LOOK!” I was so nervous my hands were shaking, we did it, we made a baby! I had already set up some errands to run and now I had to do them while I was full of excitement. This day was going to be so long!

I decided to call my doctor’s office to see if they could get me in to confirm, just in case and they set an appointment for 2:30pm. I got ready, sent Brian off to work and loaded the dog in the car for his vet appointment. I got back home, dropped the dog off and headed to the dentist, still in shock at what we’d discovered.

At the dentist office, I had to tell the hygienist that I was expecting when she wanted to take an  x-ray, she was the first one, other than my husband to know! I never imagined that would be the case, that’s for sure :). I finished my teeth cleaning, and called Brian to see if he wanted to meet for lunch. I was in the area and it seemed like a good day for it.

I asked him as we walked in to the restaurant if he was nervous, excited, upset. He said he was the first two, but wanted to know why I thought he’d be upset. My response was “Because it happened so quickly”. He chuckled and said “if I didn’t expect this to happen with what we were doing…”. Okay, he had a point!

We enjoyed our lunch and I headed home to wait for my appointment. Some of the most agonizing time. When I got to the doctors office I was so nervous, I was so afraid they were going to tell me the test was bad and that I wasn’t actually pregnant. I would be heartbroken.

As it turns out, they confirmed that I was actually pregnant instead! The real kicker was my due date. We hadn’t thought at all about when our baby would be born if we got pregnant now, we were just excited to be trying. Well, it turns out I’m due December 25th! Merry Christmas!

I called Brian on the way home to tell him the great news and then immediately called my mom. I had to tell her! I then called my dad and he was excited too. I waited for Brian to come home and we decided to call our brother and sister and let them know they were going to be an Aunt and Uncle. Then we called his mom and step-dad and told them they’d be getting a grandbaby for Christmas – you could literally hear the jumping up and down (and screaming) when we told them. It was a moment I wish I could have taped :). We hung up with them and made a last call to Brian’s Dad and Step-mom. We had decided to only tell those closest to us until we knew for sure everything was going to be okay.

I’m still reeling from the news and can’t believe how blessed we are. We love our little bean already and “its” only 4 weeks old.

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